Karan was born in Tehran in 1973 and is single. He has a BA in Computer Software Engineering and his MA is in Tourism Planning and Development. He has also studied art, history and archaeology. He is a Licensed National Guide and has worked full time for Pasargad Tours for some 20 years now, both as a National Guide and a Marketing Executive when he is not guiding groups. Karan is fluent both in English and German languages and regularly guides many of our English/German-speaking cultural groups. He has extensive knowledge on Iran’s history, archaeology, culture and religions and all aspects of life in Iran today. His other interests are classical music, opera, painting, photography, calligraphy, illumination, travelling and reading. He is also interested in many other related subjects such as world history, sociology, theology and mythology. He has played the piano since the age of 6. Karan has been involved in the art scene of Tehran over the past decade, is a regular visitor to art galleries and has close and personal contact with many gallery owners and artists in Tehran and other major cities.